Hey👋 It’s good to have you here!

It's Dan, the creator of Long-Term Pick. Let me briefly introduce myself and my investment philosophy.


To begin with, here's a brief introduction of myself. I have over 12 years of experience working as a software engineer and technical manager in the IT industry. At the same time, I tried to launch my own projects. Some of them were even relatively successful, but most were not, they had to be closed. But in any case, I gained experience.

Additionally, I have dedicated more than 5 years to conducting stock research and investing. In the beginning, it was somewhat like a beloved hobby; my background in computer science initiated a strong interest in analyzing stocks.

I started with mistakes, my first investing steps were terrible. I was buying hype stocks and ETFs like ARKK. Not to mention, that they were overpriced. Worth mentioning that I started buying individual stocks almost from the beginning. Thankfully, I had enough sense to create a core-satellite portfolio with VTI as the primary asset in the center.

After making numerous mistakes, reading tons of articles, and consuming several great investing books and videos, I now primarily focus on long-term investment opportunities and high-quality companies, or at least companies with significant growth potential, in my opinion. Now, I pay close attention to factors such as economic moat availability, potential margin of safety, ROIC over 10% (even ROIC > WACC), high gross margin, net margin presence, declining shares outstanding, insider ownership, etc.

After some time, I realized that I have enough relative quality knowledge (at least, I hope so) to start spreading this with the world and other people interested in investing and picking quality stocks for their portfolios. This is how this project was born. So, here, I would like to share my stock analyses and investing notes with you. I’m trying to analyze only high-quality stocks and stocks with high growth potential. Published twice a week - Tuesdays (mostly stock analyses) and Fridays (mostly notes).

Long-Term Pick Philosophy

Based on the name, you can realize that it is about long-term investments. At least, five-seven years — that’s why all fair price estimates of observed companies are based on 5-year period.

Preference is given to companies that:

  1. Have an economic moat or at least a solid competitive advantage.

  2. Have a clear understandable business strategy.

  3. Management provides wise capital allocation.

  4. Have strong financial health.

  5. The current valuation is preferably less than its 5-year average.

  6. Have an advantage over competitors, preferably a cheaper valuation.

  7. Preferably overperformed its industry and the index in the past.

  8. Future growths are high and preferably higher than the S&P 500.

  9. Have some margin of safety based on a fair price estimate.

  10. Other analysts are positively looking.

Each company analysis has predetermined sections and a fair price estimate based on future growth projections (EPS + buybacks + dividends). Additionally, at the end, you will see Long-Term Pick's Checklist and Due Diligence.

Your Contribution

I publish my analyses for free, but it takes lots of time to conduct research and then combine the information and thoughts together in well-written publications. That’s why I would feel more motivated and fulfilled if there was some support from my readers. I believe that any well-done work must be paid. Your contribution is very important. So, please check out the page Your Contribution.

Also, in case you like it and find value here, I would ask you to share Long-Term Pick with your friends and colleagues.

Best regards,
Dan 🙌

This is not a financial or investing recommendation. It is solely for educational purposes.

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Your unique go-to source for strategic investment insights and in-depth stock analysis. Only high-quality stocks and stocks with high growth potential. Published twice a week.
